Metal Detector app uses your devices magnetic sensor to measure magnetic field values and turns any Android into a real metal detector. Data is displayed in µT (micro Testla). 1µT = 10mG (milli Gauss). The magnetic field in nature ranges from 25 to 65 µT (0.25 to 0.65 G). Any higher measurement is an indication of metal in the area. When there is metal in the area, magnetic field increases. App works best detecting ferromagnetic materials, such as iron and can’t detect non-ferromagnetic materials such as aluminum. App works best detecting metals up to 15cm away.
Metal Detector app is simple to use, just open it and move it around. If the magnetic field values rise there is metal in the area. Accuracy of the app is entirely dependent on the magnetic sensor in your device and is affected by electrical equipment such as TVs, PCs… due to electromagnetic waves.
If the app does not work as it should then the problem is in your magnetic sensor. Maybe your device does not have one. Or try to initialize the sensors by pointing your phone up and rotate it in a figure 8 pattern. Remove magnetic covers from your device for accurate readings. Magnetic covers will influence the magnetic sensor in your Android device. If your device's case contains metal elements remove the case before using the app.
Ghost hunters also use Metal Detectors for ghost detection as they claim that ghosts have an influence on magnetic fields. I am not sure about that but please let me know if it’s true.
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Metal Detector aplikasi menggunakan perangkat Anda sensor magnetik untuk mengukur nilai-nilai medan magnet dan berubah setiap Android menjadi detektor logam nyata. Data ditampilkan dalam μT (mikro testla). 1μT = 10mg (mili Gauss). Medan magnet di alam berkisar 25-65 μT (0,25-0,65 G). Setiap pengukuran tinggi merupakan indikasi dari logam di daerah. Ketika ada logam di daerah, medan magnet meningkat. App yang terbaik mendeteksi bahan feromagnetik, seperti besi dan tidak dapat mendeteksi bahan non-feromagnetik seperti aluminium. App yang terbaik mendeteksi logam hingga 15cm pergi.
aplikasi Metal Detector adalah mudah digunakan, hanya membukanya dan bergerak di sekitar. Jika nilai-nilai medan magnet meningkat ada logam di daerah. Akurasi dari aplikasi sepenuhnya tergantung pada sensor magnetik di perangkat Anda dan dipengaruhi oleh peralatan listrik seperti TV, PC ... karena gelombang elektromagnetik.
Jika aplikasi tidak bekerja sebagaimana mestinya maka masalahnya adalah di sensor magnetik Anda. Mungkin perangkat Anda tidak memiliki satu. Atau mencoba untuk menginisialisasi sensor dengan mengarahkan telepon Anda dan putar dalam pola angka 8. Lepas penutup magnetik dari perangkat Anda untuk pembacaan yang akurat. selimut magnetik akan mempengaruhi sensor magnetik di perangkat Android Anda. Jika kasus perangkat Anda mengandung unsur logam menghapus kasus sebelum menggunakan aplikasi.
pemburu hantu juga menggunakan Detektor Logam untuk deteksi hantu karena mereka mengklaim bahwa hantu memiliki pengaruh pada medan magnet. Saya tidak yakin tentang itu tapi tolong beritahu saya jika itu benar.
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Metal Detector app uses your devices magnetic sensor to measure magnetic field values and turns any Android into a real metal detector. Data is displayed in µT (micro Testla). 1µT = 10mG (milli Gauss). The magnetic field in nature ranges from 25 to 65 µT (0.25 to 0.65 G). Any higher measurement is an indication of metal in the area. When there is metal in the area, magnetic field increases. App works best detecting ferromagnetic materials, such as iron and can’t detect non-ferromagnetic materials such as aluminum. App works best detecting metals up to 15cm away.
Metal Detector app is simple to use, just open it and move it around. If the magnetic field values rise there is metal in the area. Accuracy of the app is entirely dependent on the magnetic sensor in your device and is affected by electrical equipment such as TVs, PCs… due to electromagnetic waves.
If the app does not work as it should then the problem is in your magnetic sensor. Maybe your device does not have one. Or try to initialize the sensors by pointing your phone up and rotate it in a figure 8 pattern. Remove magnetic covers from your device for accurate readings. Magnetic covers will influence the magnetic sensor in your Android device. If your device's case contains metal elements remove the case before using the app.
Ghost hunters also use Metal Detectors for ghost detection as they claim that ghosts have an influence on magnetic fields. I am not sure about that but please let me know if it’s true.
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